Who Are You?
The best approach to training depends on who you are and what you want to achieve. We provide:
a range of courses and sessions for individuals who want to learn how to be effective at cutting emissions from IT systems
workshops for teams that want to reduce emissions from their IT systems while still meeting other business needs
programs of education for organisations who want to reduce their IT emissions without impacting revenue or growth. In fact, whilst accelerating them
For ESG Professionals
Are you an ESG analyst, CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager? For digital companies, your IT systems might be your largest contributor to your company's carbon emissions.
Unfortunately, knowledge of this in IT teams and understanding of the ways to handle it are often poor. Therefore, ESG projects often stall at the IT department. This doesn't have to be the case.
We offer training to ESG professionals on how to work effectively with IT teams to unblock ESG initiatives. We also provide fun and inspiring workshops for those IT teams to better understand the changes that need to be made and get things moving.
For Consultants, Engineers, Managers & PMs who care about the climate
Are you a manager, engineer, product manager or consultant who wants to ramp up your skills in green technology and leverage the power you have as part of the tech sector? Maybe you want to accelerate the transition to zero carbon energy in your company?
We provide in-depth training with groups of like-minded individuals, both public and private.
Try our Become An Expert Course. The course is accessible to everyone. No tech background knowledge required.
Graduates of the Become An Expert Course have gone on to speak at international conferences, appear on green panels and podcasts, translate Building Green Software into new languages, and drive significant change within their own organizations.
For Team Leaders who care about building modern, low carbon, Low cost, resilient systems
Do you want your teams to be energised about modernizing your systems to make them cheaper, more resilient and greener? Do you want them to bond over a shared understanding of what sustainable tech looks like and how to build it? Do you want them to cut emissions from their systems while still meeting their business goals, like AI, now and in future?
A great place to start is with a Green Workshop for the whole team.
Past green workshops have generated numerous actionable product and operational ideas for companies like Microsoft.
Or book a Green Seminar mini conference for your team, including actionable insights, Q&As, and even a panel. All fitted into an hour. Our green mini conferences have been successful at companies like JPMorgan Chase & Co.
For Leaders In Tech Organizations that care about modern systems That align efficiency, cost management, and resilience
Do you want to know how to lead your IT organisation to take full advantage of renewable power and avoid its risks?
Try a Green Executive Excellence Coaching day.
For Leaders In Organizations that care about Climate risk
Do you want your IT organisation to have the in-house skills to make informed choices about how your company can grow and be competitive and successful in the context of the coming energy transition? Do you want them to understand the problem and be motivated to fix it the right way?
Try one of our combined programs of workshops and seminars to develop a foundation of shared understanding across your organization, combined with become an expert courses to develop a center of excellence to drive your organization forwards.
Our Training Offering
We offer:
A range of 45 min online interactive Green Seminars online or IRL. Public or private. For a fast ramp-up on all the key concepts. A great way for individuals to upskill, learn, and be inspired via bitesize personal education.
An IRL or online 1 hr Green Mini Conference. Introduce key concepts, build shared understanding and create excitement with live talks, Q&As and panels.
IRL or online 2 hr Green Workshops for teams. Introduce the simple and immediately actionable concepts behind building low carbon systems. Bond your team over delivering real emission reductions from your systems - something they are all motivated by and can do together.
Deep dive Green Become An Expert Courses (1hr online session per week for 6 weeks) for individuals who will train others, advise customers on sustainability, or make long term architectural decisions. "The course takes you from zero knowledge to solid knowledge on green software in a couple of sessions"
Green Executive Excellence Coaching for leaders who need to make strategic technical choices that have multi-year impacts.
Licensed workshops so your experts can run your own education.
These courses and workshops can be combined into a training program that is tailored for your organizational needs.
Our public courses are open to all or we run private sessions and courses for you and your customers.
Green Seminars
Short, live, and intense talks & Q&As by industry expert Anne Currie. Each seminar features:
live talk
live Q&As
personal interaction and coaching
Power Down!
In this seminar attendees will learn how to cut CO2 emissions and hosting costs by eliminating waste.
You'll learn how and when to safely use cost as a proxy for carbon emissions.
Code and operational efficiency are a key part of the energy transition, but they are dangerous.
You'll learn which will save money and help save the planet and which might put your company out of business.
Measure IT!
In this seminar attendees will learn how to measure a system's CO2 emissions and use the data in an effective way.
We will cover measuring CO2 directly and via different proxies and the pros and cons of each.
We'll also ask, should you measure? What are you trying to achieve? (hint - it's not as obvious as you think)
We'll talk about tools and services that can help and ones that might make your life more difficult if you haven't clearly defined your goals beforehand.
Power UP!
In this seminar attendees will learn about the positive characteristics of renewable power that will shape the future of systems, and how to benefit from them.
We'll cover how to design systems to take advantage of renewable power.
If you do it in a renewably friendly (aka green) way, hosting will get much cheaper and let you achieve far more.
In this session, attendees will learn how to leverage going green to accelerate internal modernization projects.
We cover why green software is so closely aligned with system modernization techniques like using microservices, building distributed systems, deploying smaller and faster, and using test methods like chaos engineering to drive greater resilience.
Don't let a (climate) crisis go to waste. Use it as the motivation to modernize your systems.
Workshops, Courses, & Summits
Green Software Workshop
In this workshop, attendees will learn the basics of building systems that can take advantage of the energy transition. Attendees will leave with immediately actionable ideas that will save emissions and money.
A 2 hour thought provoking and highly interactive workshop.
Suitable for all levels of experience.
Available in person or online.
£10,000 for a private session for up to 50
or £700/seat for a public session.
Become aN EXPERT Course
This 6 week online course (1 hour per week) takes attendees from zero knowledge to solid knowledge of green software - i.e. software built for the power sources of the future. Perfect to build your internal green IT competence.
An in depth course providing a thorough grounding in the theory behind building software and systems to survive the energy transition.
Ideal for anyone who will be leading, supporting or training others in making systems ready for the future e.g. sales engineers, team leaders, trainers, product owners, architects or CTOs.
Online only.
£10,000 for a private course for up to 10
or £1200/seat for a public course.
Green Executive Excellence
In this 2 half day coaching session, you will gain the knowledge to lead your IT organisation to take full advantage of renewable power and avoid its risks.
Available in person or online.
£10,000 for a private course for up to 3